LEADS’s aspired for a just society where each individual – woman, man and child, lives with dignity.
Where each can participate in the social, cultural, economic and political decisions that affect their lives.
Where each of these individuals is a controller of her/his environment – a subject of development rather than an object and live in justice, equality and peace
Life Education and Development Support (LEADS) is a non-profit making and secular trust committed for development of poor and marginalized people of Jharkhand with more emphasis on Children, scheduled caste, scheduled tribes, women and children by strengthening community.
It believes in people’s knowledge, skills and experience. LEADS is committed to give strategic thrust on the issues like; empowering tribal community for their sustained livelihood and food security, Providing life education to children and adolescent, women empowerment, natural resource promotion, technical skill up gradation for employment generation etc to bring appropriate change and promote dignified life of poor and marginalized people of the society.