Upgraded Primary School, Garahtoli is situated in Raishimla village of (Garahtoli), Panchayat- Barkuli, Block –Torpa, Dist –Khunti. In this School total 146 Students Boy -73 and Girl -73 are enrolled. SMC meeting gone on regular basis but no one focused on the children’s safety, as the school was without boundary wall.
It ultimately hampers the knowledge of students as they were not staying in school campus and ran away to their home or by near playground to road side.
In the SMC monthly meeting, members discuss on the quality of education provided by the teacher. Teacher and members were blaming each other and finally they find the issue of boundary wall, members discussed how boundary wall will be prepared as the government had not allocated any fund for that. Members already includethis issue of boundary wall in School development plan of 2016. Then all members decided to make temporary boundary wall from bamboo with the help of community and parents also. Members distribute the responsibility for collecting bamboo form villagers up to 10th June 2016.
In the month of June members again called for a meeting on 16th June 16 to prepare boundary all with the help of bamboo, it had been found that, not only the members of SMC but the community has its own driven force which leads to the construction of temporary boundary wall.
All the students inside the school during school hour and attend all classes regularly. Community members were really happy with their effort and the mobilization made by LEADS under the “good Governance” project, supported by “WHH & EU”.
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