State Network, Lobby and Advocacy

LEADS has been working at the grassroots level and at the same time, playing a role of lobbyist and advocator for replication and promotion of its best practices and findings of its various studies and observations. LEADS is pioneers in taking up various issues at district, state, national and international level which is pro people and has potential to bring changes in the life of most marginalised section of the society. Mr. A K Singh, Director, LEADS, is the state convener of the following networks:

  1. Jharkhand Right to Education Forum (JRTEF)
  2. Jharkhand Voluntary Action Network (JHARVAN)
  3. Jharkhand State Budget Group (JSBG)
  4. State SDGs Alliance (SSDGA)

 A Brief of Each Network

Jharkhand Right to Education Forum (JRTEF)

 JRTEF is largest network in the state which advocates for implementation of RTE Act 2009 in Jharkhand. JRTEF is the state chapter of National RTE Forum. More than 200 CSOs, Social Activists, Media, Retired Govt officials, Teachers union, State SMC Federation etc are the state members having core committee convened by A K Singh, Director, LEADS.

Main purpose of JRTEF is as follows:

  1. To ensure implementation of RTE Act 2009 and promote quality function of Govt Schools which has largest hold of school going children. 
  2. To bring critical issues in its analysis in the preview of Govt of Jharkhand for its proper and timely response
  3. To ensure quality of education by focusing on school development plan(SDP) and its implementation by school management committee(SMC)


  1. Mobilise all stakeholders for the elementary education of children studying in Govt Schools.
  2. Annual Review and Sharing of Civil Society Feedback to Govt of Jharkhand
  3. Large Scale Promotion of School Development Plan and its Implementation in Association with Dept of Education/JEPC
  4. Annual Felicitation of outstanding performer for quality education like SMC members, Teachers, PRI members, Bal Sansads, Community members etc.
  5. Publishing relevant educational IEC materials for its lager use across the state for ensuring quality of education
  6. Developing models of education and sharing with various stakeholders for its replication.


  1. Regular Core Committee Meeting
  2. Annual Review of implementation of RTE Act 2009
  3. Annual Study and preparation of charter of demands for sharing with the state
  4. Training of State SMC Federation
  5. Training of CSOs/JRTEF Members of SDP and its Implementation
  6. State wide SDP Formulation Plan
  7. Promotion of Bal Sansad
  8. WASH in Schools focussing 39 Indicators,
  9. School campus plantation/Nutrition Garden promotion
  10. Carrier Counselling
  11. Teacher Trg on pedagogy
  12. SDGs-4 and its implementation in Jharkhand and many more

Jharkhand Voluntary Action Network

 JHARVAN has been formulated in Jharkhand to facilitate the legal compliance related to FCRA -2010, Income Tax, CSR, Societies, Trust etc. More than 50 organisations are its members. JHARVAN is organically linked with Voluntary Action Network India. LEADS organise several state level workshops for building capacity of its partners and also provide required studying materials for all legal compliance in timely manner. 

Jharkhand State Budget Group

Jharkhand state budget group mainly focuses on making state budget more responsive to people’s need in Jharkhand. Pre budget Consultation, Gender Budget Tracking, Analysis of Special Component Plan Budget like TSP, SCSP, Gender Budget etc. have been conducted during last 7-8 years and shared at state and national level. Our efforts have been able to introduce gender budgeting, child budgeting and pre budget consultation in the state processes.

State SDGs Alliance

 LEADS also convenes State SDGs Alliance in which more than 60 functional organisations are members. Through this network we mainly focuses on capacity building of members on SDGs, its targets and indicators. We also study department wise response to state intervention on SDGs in Jharkhand and what can be done for further effective implementation of the SDGs and its various parameters.