This is a story about Gangira village of Ganaloya panchayat of Muruhu Block in Khunti District, Jharkhand.
The village Gangira is 07 Kms away from Murhu block. The village itself is isolated from the other villages. There aren’t any villages nearby. People of this village are fully dependent on Agriculture and Live-stock rearing (hen, goat, pig, and duck). The villagers used to often migrate outside in search of work. There were 12 labours who used to always migrate after paddy cultivation and used to come back before harvesting.
CFT (Cluster Facilitation Team) comes to this village with MGNREGA-NRLM Convergence programme and started sharing the programme in the Gram Sabha. The CFT team members took an initiative to change villager’s perception about MGNREGA. The team members showed ample opportunities to the villagers which could be solved through MGNREGA programmes. The CFT team members showed Nukkad Natak in the village on MGNREGA theme. They organized a Rojger Mela in the village where BDO Smt. Sushma Lakra was the resource person, Mukhya of Ganaloya Smt. Hanna Tiru along with Rojgar Sewaks and Panchayat Sewaks of Ganaloya panchayat were present. It was the turning point for the villagers. The CFT team members helped them to make job cards, open bank accounts, unfreeze post office accounts, in demand generation, 100 days of work demand, etc.
The villagers took initiative and started to collaborate with the CFT members. The villagers had made micro plans which got approved from the Gram Sabha and then finally submitted to block. Many of the beneficiaries got individual scheme as well as community schemes. Firstly, they built a ‘Mitty Murum’ (mud boulder) road from Ganaloya to Gangira village about 750 meters. In individual schemes: 5 beneficiaries got their land levelled and cultivated vegetables on it. Cow shed, poultry shed, goatry shed, Vermi Compost pit and community scheme: 3 well, 1 farm pond, play ground levelling etc. were also conducted extensively.
Then they took initiative in village development plan through Yojna Banao Abhiyan (YBA) and got approval for 29 Dobha which were of size 30x30x10, all this Dobhas were built in low land and completed within the timeframe. The beneficiaries of the Dobhas have planning for fishing for at least 3 months, they also planned on planting some trees around it and cultivate creepers like long beans, seem and other vegetables. Some of them planned for duck rearing for they had back yard poultry and these Dobhas would be good for the ducks.
Finally, villagers are assuring to generate 100 days of work in the village by themselves which decreased the rate of migration as 15 labours have decided not to migrate again and stay with their family and work in MGNREGA, agriculture and also rearing live stock. All the villagers have sufficient food and nutrition to live happily with their family. The constant efforts of 15 labours have changed the picture of the whole village and prepared it to be a model village.
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