Hutap is a intervention village, Lateharof REER Project in Chandwa block. In this village most of the community engaged in MGNREGAProgramme.In this village, during one of our meeting Mr. Biru Singh was also present. In this meeting he told us that he had submitted an application for the scheme under MGNREGA but yet to get sanctioned. Mr. Mahendra Singh, PC REER checked in the MIS and found that he has been sanctioned the scheme and code is (3406002009/IF/880901194261) after that on dated 01.10.2017 his work was started. But during the work in progress he didn’t get any amount for the material so the work was hampered. Again he complained to us then we had written an application on behalf of him and submitted to block and regularly followup. Thenafter on dated 24.03.2018 he got the amount for the material after that his nadep pit was now completed. In this he put vermi compost and using as an organic pesticides in his agriculture land.
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