SPG P.S. Dorma, is a primary school in Khas Dorma of Dorma panchayat in Torpa block, Khunti district. Earlier the school was having only two rooms of which one classroom was used for teaching where all student used to sit and learn and another room was used as office/staffroom/principal room everthing. The lack of staffroom was a big problem for the teachers. All Students from class 1 to 5 (51 students) used to sit in one class room. In such condition the quality of education was endangered as a single teacher was responsible to teach all 51 students which affected the quality. In SMC meetings members mostly discussed about requirement of classrooms and more teachers.

LEADS under the “Good Governance Project” supported by WHH and EU through its good rapport met the community members and interrogated their problems. LEADS staff Mr. Nandlal Manjhi started by conducting regular meetings with the community and then he identified and listed all the active as well as inactive SMC members. Then he started attending the SMC meetings regularly to educate the SMC members on the provisions of RTE Act 2009 like, school development plan (SDP), role and responsibilities of stakeholders, line departments, etc.

This resulted in formulation of a SDP which was submitted to the BEEO, Torpa in January 2015. The outcome of this participatory effort made by SMC, community, LEADS and the regular support provided by WHH and EU was that a decision was taken to build another room to be used as office/staffroom/principal room in SPG P.S Dorma. This initiativbe developed a sense of ownership and responsibility in SMC members and the entire community was very thankful to WHH and LEADS.


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