Wada Na Todo Abhiyan is a national campaign to hold the Government accountable for its promise to end Poverty, Social Exclusion & Discrimination. Wada Na Todo Abhiyan emerged from the consensus among Human Rights activists and social action groups who were part of the World Social Forum 2004 (Mumbai), aimed to create an environment through forceful, focused and concerted effort and try to make a difference in India where one-fourth of the world’s poor exist and they continuously experience intense deprivation from opportunities to learn, live and work in dignity. The forum aims to do this by monitoring the promises made by the Government to meet the objectives set in the UN Millennium Declaration (2000), the National Development Goals and the National Common Minimum Program (2004-09) with a special focus on the Right to Liveihood, Health & Education.

Mr. A. K. Singh, Director of LEADS is the Co-Convenor of the “Jharkhand Wada Na Todo Abhiyan”and therefore, all the activities conducted in the State of Jharkhand under JWNTA campaign are conducted through LEADS. The forum works to ensure the concerns and aspirations of Dalits, Adivasis, Nomadic Tribes, Women, Children, Youth and the Differently Abled are mainstreamed across programs, policies and development goals in Jharkhand.