10Yrs Budget Research in Jharkhand

Budget tracking refers to methodologies that civil society organizations (CSOs) can use to examine how public resources flow from one level of government departments to the next, and eventually to the intended beneficiaries. By identifying places where the system for transferring funds breaks down, as well as cases of mismanagement and corruption, it is yet another tool for CSOs to use to ensure that government budgets are being executed on the ground as intended, and that scarce public resources are being used effectively.

Being a member of Jharkhand State Budget Group, LEADS extends support to Local self government (PRIs), departments and units under Jharkhand government, for more accountable public finance management system.

LEADS has been working on state budget and its tracking since 2009. LEADS has been tracking budget of education, health, panchayats, gender, child budget and advocating for promotion of more pro people state budget. Since 2009, LEADS has been doing following budget related work:

  1. Tracking of State Budget on Health and Education since its inception and comparative analysis with Uttarakhand and Chhatishgarh which were formed at the same time,
  2. Analysis of special component plan like Gender/Women Component Plan, Scheduled Caste Sub Plan and Tribal Sub Plan, allocation of budget and its quality utilization.
  3. Analysis of gender budgeting and advocating for gender budgeting with UN Women and our efforts have resulted in putting Gender Budget and Child Budget in place in Jharkhand
  4. LEADS has been conducting pre budget consultation for union budget and state budget since 2009. Now state is conducting pre budget consultation by its own, so LEADS is conducting state budget consultation focusing more on marginalised and vulnerable groups of the state.

All reports and budget tracking documents are available with LEADS. 


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