15000+ Farmers Benefited
Organic Farming
LEADS has been working with more than 10,000 female and male farmers across its intervention areas to enhance their economic status and ensure sustained livelihood. Organic farming and Natural farming both are the base for our intervention to take care of soil health, consumers’ health and environment, in compliance with relevant goal of SDGs. We are promoting vegetable cultivation, homestead gardening, paddy & ragi cultivation etc under organic farming. We use organic manures and organic pesticides for this cultivation and enrich the fertility of soil to reduce the use of any sorts of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. This organic farming also helps us to reduce the overall cost of production in the referral areas. The produce of such agricultural activities are substantially good and farmers’ income has been enhanced to the extent ranging from INR 15000 to 45000 per year/family. Since the intervention area is tribal dominated so promotion of organic and natural farming is very much acceptable amongst the communities, if facilitated with proper logic and information. LEADS has competent team to promote organic and natural farming in its referral area Organic produces are consumed substantially at local level and it has also market having high demands with higher price. LEADS team connects with market in local areas as well as outside the intervention districts. This intervention has also helped in economic empowerment of women farmers as they have been strategically involved in the process as part of women (socio-economic) empowerment. LEADS largely promotes/use drudgery reduction tools like threshing machine in paddy cultivation, weeding machines, sprayers, drip irrigation and group nursery. Capacities of communities are built through training, exposure, video show, practical work with expert in the field etc.
Kitchen Garden/Nutrition Garden
Jharkhand is one of the major nutrition deficit states because of low economic status, traditional food pattern of different communities and poor awareness of nutrients rich food. Therefore, LEADS took initiative to address this issue by promoting kitchen garden having verities of vegetables which substantially supply the basic nutrients/vitamins/minerals/proteins etc to the community along with financial benefits to possible extent. Under this program, LEADS has been able to promote more than 1500 kitchen garden and this has become very popular intervention for community and gradually gathering momentum. It requires 3 to 6 decimal of land and we plan with individual family considering their interest and requirement.
- Under the soil, we promote, ginger, garlic, turmeric, arbi, colocasia, elephant foot, Kohlrabi etc.
- On fencing we promote, vegetables like bitter gourd, bottle gourd, ridge gourd, spine gourd, cucumber, snake gourd, long beans etc and,
- In main land we promote cultivation of brinjal, cabbage, tomato, green chilli, lemon, coriander, beans, lady finger etc considering the nutrition deficit of the family and locality
- On side bunds, small plants like guava, papaya and drumstick are planted.
We also provide information on requirement of nutritional food for children, pregnant and lactating mothers, women/girls who are anaemic and malnourished through Information, Education and Communication (IEC) like wall writing, brochure etc. This program is very helpful for communities who are suffering from nutrition deficits and it also provide some additional income to the community by selling some of it produces to local market depending on size of the land. It is a compact agricultural activity, so it requires less labour cost and irrigation facilities and can be managed by family members only. It also provides practical training to the community for further increasing their agricultural activities for economic promotion, if they plan to engage themselves locally in producing vegetables and selling in the markets. This can be done throughout the years and helpful for all families’ especially poor families. Capacities of communities are built through training exposure, video show, and practical work with expert in the field and other similar methods.
Annapurna Model

Annapurna Model (Land Size = 0.5 Acre to 1 Acre) of crop cultivation ensures food security and supportive income (INR 20000 to 50000) of small, marginal and tenant farmers. LEADS has promoted more than 200 Annapurna models in intervention field of Jharkhand which has largely contributed in betterment of livelihood and income of small and marginal farmers. This is totally organic farming.
Why “Annapurna Model” is suitable in Jharkhand context?
A small family can ensure their livelihood in small piece of land i.e only half an acre of land (50 decimal). They can increase the family income from INR 30,000 to INR 50,000
- It ensure the food and nutrition security in the family through growing different types of food grains/vegetable, oil seeds, pulses and fruits in different seasons.
- Farmers can grow mix crop in easy way.
- This is the one kind of family based enterprise where all members can engage themselves for employment.
- This is very useful model to protect the soil/land fertility by using bio-home made fertilizer/pesticides/insecticide.
- This is one time investment model which leads to zero budget farming
- It makes family/community self dependent in agriculture/sustainable livelihood
- This model is very user friendly to the women farmer. They can manage all affairs related to agriculture in the model.
Cropping Pattern
The variety of crops that can be cultivated in this plot, we can plant perennial/horticulture plants like Mango, Jack fruit, Guava, Lemon etc. Tenant farmers can grow short duration plants like Pomegranate, Papaya, Drum-stick, Banana etc. We can also grow only vegetables, leafy vegetables, Millets, Pulses etc. We can also plant Marigold, Sunflower, Chrysanthemum for trap crops and Agave, Mehandi, Castor, Jowar, Maize, Red gram as border crops. Capacities of communities are built through training, exposure, video show, practical work with expert in the field etc. .
36×36 Model (Land size= .04 acre)

This model focuses on nutrition security of community which is relevant model in small piece of land i.e. 5 decimal of land. This model provides support to immediate nutrients need of the families, ensuring adequate food and nutrition intake, and reduction burden of ill health. LEADS has promoted more than 125 marginal farmers who are using this method in their homestead/backyard land. This is totally organic agricultural practices.
It benefits the poor community as:
- A small family can ensure their livelihood in small piece of land i.e only 4-5 decimal of land. They can increase the family income of INR 4000 to INR 5000 per season/family
- It ensures nutrition security in the family through growing different types of vegetable in different seasons and fruits plants around it. Farmers can grow mix crop in easier way.
- The best time to roll-out the field level implementation would be later kharif as all farmers would be engaged in major agricultural crops like paddy
- It ensures diversity of food of poor families breaking routine food of rice and tomato curry
- Before actual implementation starts, capacity building of field staff is very much needed to deliver nutrition and health & sanitation messages.
Capacities of communities are built through training, exposure, video show, practical work with expert in the field etc.
Pigeon Pea Model
LEADS has promoted more than 2500 farmers across 350 Acres of land in its intervention area for pigeon pea cultivation. The purpose is to promote farmers to ensure food quality by introducing pulses in food on regular basis. Secondly, if cultivation of pigeon pea takes proper progress then this may be one of the assured income generation for each farmers. This can be grown on waste land and because of poor irrigation facilities, Jharkhand has abundance of unused and barren upland which can be used for the purpose.
Why it’s important for Jharkhand:
- We have land which is suitable for pigeon pea cultivation in Jharkhand.
- It ensures protein/nutrients in food which is by and large found deficit in intake of rural people of Jharkhand
- This is a leguminous plant, so its cultivation increases the productivity of land
- If nurtured properly than it will ensure sustained additional income source for small and mid level farmers.
Steps of Pigeon Pea Cultivation
- Preparing land for cultivation of pigeon pea
- Training of farmers for treatment of seed and process of sowing the seeds as per seasonality of cultivation.
- LEADS provides quality short duration seeds verity as per their demand, which is also climate resilient.
- Introducing time schedule of weeding and nipping along with intercropping.
- Looking after as per plan for disease management till the plants become mature
- Harvesting and using it in the food and also in case of access production taking it to market
- Preserving in case of access production or processing for market.
If it is cultivated in 1 acres of upland then it may provide net profit of INR 25000 in one season after deducting all expenses and having domestic consumption. Capacities of communities are built through training, exposure, video show, practical work with expert in the field etc.
Jeeraphool (Scented Rice Promotion and Marketing)
LEADS has promoted more than 2000 farmers for promotion of Jeeraphool i.e. scented rice used in special cuisine like pulao, kheer, plain rice etc costing INR 150 per Kg in national market.
The following steps are being used for production and marketing of Jeeraphool rice.
- Selection of farmers and sensitizing the farmers for sincere cultivation of jeeraphool through SRI method
- Training of farmers on the process of paddy cultivation and maintaining its schedule of cultivation.
- Providing seeds and facilitating the treatment of seeds, preparing nursery and transplanting after preparing require field.
- Maintaining other protocols till harvesting.
- Solar base drying as per requirement and after proper husking, again drying and packaging for market. (Brown and Polished both rice are prepared.)
- Taking it to market directly and through vendors
This rice has potential to just double the existing income of the farmers if facilitated properly. LEADS is assisting producer group in marketing and planning for enhancing the number of farmers in future, who can cultivate Jeeraphool so that their income can be increased along with their quality rice intake in their regular food. Rice Husking Plants has been installed for processing and make it marketable by LEADS in association with producer group and JSLPS in Mahuadanr, Latehar.
Potato Promotion and Preservation Model
LEADS is doing Potato cultivation on 250 acres of land, with more than 2500 farmers in Livelihood intervention areas of Jharkhand. Farmers are sensitized through various trainings, video show of each cultivation steps, practical and exposure. Farmers are able to realize that it has good source of carbohydrates and fat. Potato is a very wholesome vegetable, Because of its wide industrial uses; cultivation of potato is more profitable than that of other vegetables. We have 20 decimal model followed PoP like Seed selection (size:35-50gm), seed treatment with Beejamrit, land preparation and used FYM, irrigation management with Jeewamrit, pest management applying Neemastra, Brahmastra, pre harvesting with crop cutting exercise, harvesting and post harvesting from the beginning. The production cost is around INR 2800 which includes 200kg seed, INM/NPM, irrigation, transportation etc. The output is around 20 quintals from 20 decimal of land. The farmers earn around INR 17000 from it. We promote homemade Bamboo store for potato storage. Farmers do grading and keep Potatoes in different lair of Bamboo storage for self consumption. This grading process helps them in earning like they sell 35-50gm size Potato to Producer Groups who take care of seed potato at village level. Producer Group collects it and keeps in cold storage for seed purpose and sells directly to farmers in high price for next season cultivation. In this process farmers get quality seed in timely with reasonable price from Producer Group. Farmers sell rest Potato in market. We do scaling up activity in Jharkhand, as the soil of Jharkhand is mostly upland and in upland the water lodging is not seen which is a plus point for potato cultivation. The climate is very well suited for the cultivation of potato and is easily manageable and accepted by the community. Moreover low cost investment is done in potato production, after production this product has huge market potential and demand is throughout the year.
Tomato Promotion and Marketing
Tomato cultivation is done across LEADS livelihood intervention areas with around 3000 farmers in Jharkhand. Among vegetables, it is one of the richest sources of vitamin C and iron. Therefore, from nutrition point of view, tomato is a very wholesome vegetable. Because of its wide industrial uses, cultivation of tomato is more profitable than that of other vegetables. We encourage farmers to grow Tomato in rainy season to get high price during this season
We have 10 decimal model of Tomato cultivation which requires 10gm seed using Beejamrit during seed treatment, Vermi compost, Nadep Ghanjeewamrit and Farm Yard Manure as fertiliser, 100ml Jeewamrit in each plant for its better growth. It is used during irrigation too. Neemastra and Agniastra are used as pesticides. The production cost is around INR1000 and output is around INR 14000 having 14 quintals of production from it. Farmers get net income around Rs. 13000/- in three months. LEADS is teaching new technique to the farmers along with traditional method which is easily acceptable by them. Moreover the use of chemical pesticides can be substituted through the organic fertilizers and also through the farm yard manure. Also through the use of proper variety as per the market availability and low input cost desired production with enhanced income achieved. Therefore, being a regular vegetable it is accepted by the consumers in any season. The climate is very well suited for the cultivation of tomato and is easily manageable and accepted by the community. Moreover low cost investment is done in tomato production, after production this product has huge market potential and demand throughout the year.
Lac Cultivation Promotion
LEADS has promoted Lac cultivation in its project area mainly in Khunti and West Singhbhum. We have promoted more than 600 farmers for scientific methods of lac cultivation. We provide training focussing on Kusumi and Rangeeni lac cultivation. Inoculation of Kusumi lac is done two times in a year i.e. July and January. Inoculation of Rangeeni is done in July and October. Host plants for Kusumi lac are Kusum, Bair and simialata. Host pants for Rangeeni are Palash and Bair. We promote brood lac and used as seed locally and also provide nearby farmers on higher rate as per need and availability in market. The price of brood lac is always higher than normal lac and we also encourage farmers to cultivate brood lac to have higher profit from the cultivation. We train farmers on aspects such as:
- Selection and grading of host plant, pruning of host plants, disease control and management etc.
- Selection and management of brood lac which is seed for lac cultivation in training course
- Additional income of farmers by increasing the total production per plant
- Enhancing the quality of production
- Handholding support in grading and marketing of lac produces locally by removing middle man from the chain
- Capacities of communities are built through training, exposure, video show, practical work with expert in the field etc
After harvesting of Kusumi and Rangeeni lacs, farmers directly sale the scrap lacs to market at the rate ranging from INR 180 to 200 per kg or INR 300 per kg when production is less. LEADS promotes simple management at grassroot level such as encouraging Producer Group to store scrap lac for 2 to 3 months and sell it in off season for better profit. LEADS is planning to initiate further processing in future by involving producer groups in Khunti and West Singhbhum.. We are usually enhancing additional income INR 7000 to 15000 per farmers through such interventions.
Tamarind Processing Unit
LEADS has established two tamarind processing unit in Khunti district. One unit has been established with the support of JSLPS and other with the support of JHAMCOFED. Following steps are taken up by local groups to make it operational by their own:
- There is a team in Rural Service Centre (RSC) which looks after the processing units at local level.
- Producer groups mainly play a role in collection of raw tamarind from across the areas.
- Grading and sorting is done by producer group. Better quality tamarind is processed immediately and lower quality is kept in cold storage for selling during off season.
- Processing like de-fibre and de-seeding is done in the initial period. Later it is compressed in the shape of bricks having different weight.
- Air tighten packaging is done and product is ready for market.
- The rate of raw tamarind ranges from INR 20 to 30 on and average. After the process when bricks are made, the rate per kg is INR 80-100 in local market and outside Jharkhand it is sold at the rate of INR 150 per kg.
- We also sale pulp directly in the market at the rate of INR 50-60 depending upon the quality and availability of tamarind in the market.
- RSC members earn in one cycle INR 8000-10000 and Producer Groups earn INR 6000+ per member per cycle.
In this way, we also promote additional income of local producer group and they are doing it successfully. Many visitors have seen and appreciated this intervention including Principal Secretary and Rural Development Minster, GoJ.
Oil Expeller Unit
Oil Expeller has been installed in association with JHAMCOFED in Burju village of Kudda Panchayat, in Murhu Block, Khunti. Under this program, we are promoting farmers who can cultivate mustard, sunflower, also etc. We are planning to enhance income of the local farmers by using their less fertile/unused/tarn land which has limited irrigation facilities. It is easily grown and can provide good income to farmers with less expertise and investment. One farmer can get additional profit of INR 15000 from one acre of land with very minimum efforts and irrigation facilities. The market is also locally available and if needed, produces can be sold at nearby cities like Kunti, Murhu and Ranchi.
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