1.25Lakh Saplings Planted
The plantation programme is a regular programme of LEADS. LEADS have till date distributed about more than 57 thousand trees to SCs, STs, SHGs, Gram Sabha and Farmers Club members in Khunti, Bandgoan, Latehar and Ramgarh districts. The concept of kitchen garden is also being promoted in intervention area schools and community. The schools and the communities were provided with fruit bearing trees like, mango, jackfruit, neem, karanj, lichhi, banana, papaya and many more varieties to plant in their garden. The school children were motivated to plant trees to develop a sense about the importance of trees from early childhood days.

The steps involved in executing the program are first, the Gram Sabhas, Self Help Groups and Kisan Clubs are informed about the date and place of distribution in various locations. Secondly, the LEADS field facilitator shared information about the benefits of plantation, then about the process of planting and about regular upkeeping and maintenance of the plants. Then lastly, the required number of plants is taken to the distribution locations and is handed over to community and Gram Pradhan along with that necessary medicine and manures are also provided.
Then these plants are planted in pre-selected locations where they can benefit the community. LEADS try to mobilize whole village staring from Gram Sabha members, SHGs members, school children, Kisan Club members to youths through awareness programmes about plantation, promotion and preservation of plants as a step towards saving the Earth. LEADS believe that the plantation programme will help the community towards nutrition and afforestation. As many rural areas in Jharkhand are still poverty stricken and malnutrition is one of the major issues mainly among the children and women. So, these trees will help them to address the nutritional issue along with that provide them with a source of livelihood from the forest products.
MGNREGA-NRLM Convergence CFT Strategy
LEADS is working in this convergence programme in 3 Blocks, i.e. Murhu, Bandgaon and Mahuadanr of Khunti, West Singbhum and Latehar Districts respectively which covers about 467 villages. The project primarily aims at awareness creation, work demand generation, ensuring 100 days employment through MGNREGA, to make sure to create asset for sustainable livelihood and ensure Water Conservation and Natural Resource Management. Under this programme, plantation of 13938 plants (Wild and hybrid mango tree) was conceptualized.

As an achievement, the govt of Jharkhand agreed to make more green in Jhrakhand through Birsa Aam Bagvani Programme. The well designed programme was implemented very smoothly through community participation.After three years the farmers can earn more than 25000 to 75000 each year.
Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojna (MKSP)
To improve the present status of women in Agriculture and to enhance the opportunities for their empowerment, Government of India has announced “MahilaKisanSashaktikaranPariyojana” (MKSP) as a sub component of the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM). LEADS is implementing MahilaKisanSashktikaranPariyojana in 75 villages (25 villages in each Block) of 3 Blocks namely Mahuadanr of Latehar District, Murhu Block of Khunti District and Bandgaon Block of West Singhbhum District since April 2014. The project aims to create and promote sustainable agriculture based livelihood opportunities to 3030 women farmers in project villages with their incremental income of Rs 25000/- per year. Strengthening of 250 SHGs, promotion of 130 Producer Groups, 3 block level federation, promoting 80 best practicing women farmers as Community Resource Person, promotion of 20 Para Professionals for Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, forestry, NRM to facilitate the whole process are the key components of the project.
Mahindra & Mahindra :Plantation Project
Under this intervention, more than 57 thousand trees were planted in 4 District of Jharkhand namely, Latehar, West Singhbhum, and Khunti District .
under this intervention, Kitchen Garden are developed by Bal Sansad and SMC members.After vegetable production they also using those in their Mid Day Meal..Environmental value is also been developed among the children. Now SMC also realises their role and participating for better management of schools. There are 816 beneficiary and 2500 plants in different varieties have been planted by the female beneficiaries.
Developing Mango Plantation for Small and Marginal farmers

Jharkhand falls under Agro Climatic Zone-VII where rainfall is around 1,100 – 1,300 mm per year. The main source of livelihood is Agriculture. SECC 2011 data shows that Jharkhand has 29% land surrounded by forest, only 27% land is utilized in agricultural activity where as only 11% of land is irrigated. Mango Plantation is suitable in these areas. The family having upland can create an additional asset for the family, as mango based orchards, which gives income every year with a medium term gestation period. Asset created could be easily managed by the family and be able to generate sufficient income to keep the family interested to do maintenance of the plantation. Marginal lands, which were poorly used for uplands crops previously, would be converted to give better income to the family and enriched as a resource. One acre land with irrigation facility could be source of livelihood for a family after 3 to 4 years and be a
producer for atlest 30 to 40 years. Amrapalli and Mallika variety is suitable for these areas because it has small canopy, close spacing, high production and fresh fruits which can be stored for long time. There are 112 Mango saplings required in one acre of land.
During the rains live fencing would be supplemented with timber and fuel wood saplings e.g. Teak, Gamhar, Glyridedia, Accacia etc.

This activity ensures income from intercrops: Rs. 10,000-15,000 per season during first 3 years. It is very necessary in Mango patches because it attracts the regular attention of the farmer, so the orchard is also taken care of. It generates income during the initial non- productive years of mango plantation in the initial 3 years. The intercrops are selected on family’s need, season and market.. On 4th year each mango plant yields 7-12 kg of mangoes, so a family having 112 mango trees gets 784 kg would get income of Rs.19600 @Rs.25/kg. By 5th Year each mango plant will yield 30kg/plant thus
total yield would be 3360kg and income will be Rs. 84000/- @Rs.25/kg.
Total coverage of Mahindra & Mahindra is 50,000 plants covered 2500 famers in last 6 years in Murhu block, Khunti.
Total coverage of Birsa Munda Aam Bagwani through MGNREGA scheme (2017-2019)
District | Block | No. of Beneficiary | Land size (Acre) | Total no. of Mango Plants | Total no. of Timber Plants |
Latehar | Mahuadanr | 38 | 60 | 6720 | 5400 |
W. Singhbhum | Bandgaon | 24 | 38 | 4256 | 3458 |
Khunti | Murhu | 42 | 65 | 7280 | 6045 |
Total | 104 | 163 | 18256 | 14903 |
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