Sanika Hassa lives in Kopa village of Bandgaon block in West Singhbhoom distric in Jharkhandt. There is majorityof Munda Tribal community in this locality. People of these areas are depending on daily wages, selling of fire wood, selling seasonal forest produces and migrate in off season. Sanika Hassa has one son and a daughter and wife. Sanika used to go out in search of daily wages. He has 30 goats, 25 Back Yard Poultry (Desi Bird) and a small piece of land for vegetable cultivation. He has started taking care of goats and BYP. He prepared proper housing management for the animals where LEADS team has helped him to make machan in goat shelter with proper ventilator for air circulation. He takes care of fodder in house and also during open grazing. Earlier wild animals used to take away goat farming or poultry. Often goats or poultry used to die due to viral disease. LEADS team has established Integrated Livestock Development Centre (ILDC) in his campus with the support of Andheri Hilfe Bonn.

Para vet provides regular service like timely vaccination to control PPR disease, Lasota and de-warming. Para vet prepares herbal

medicine for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), skin disease, gas in stomach etc. All this takes place in guidance of government Animal doctor of Bandgaon block. As a result, the number of Goats and poultry has increased. He has sold 4 Goats in this year @6000 and earned Rs. 24000/-. ILDC has provided him some facilities like: measurement of Goats and fixed Rate before he takes it to market. ILDC team members informed buyers about ILDC services with putting signboard on Roads, banners in public places and in market. The buyer takes goats from his house in proper rate. He has sold 5 poultry @350 and earned Rs.1750/-.


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